What is your returning workforce development plan?

workforce development in usa

We are seeing what is called the Great Return, which has come after the Great Resignation and the Great Retirement, except for TB12. Which is also a current phenomenon many people are UN-retiring as they found that they did not want to play golf every day, it could possibly be that they did not plan well enough for retirement to live comfortably, or it could be that the idea of being with your significant other for extended periods of time scares the living daylights out of you!

Whatever it may be many companies are reaching out to former employees to see if they can fill the open requisitions. This makes quite a bit of sense as former employees already know the culture, understand the business and the processes in place as well as knowing their colleagues.

But what does a company need to provide for someone “returning” ? is it some enticement of doing the same old role? Or possibly if the employee returns maybe they want to upskill their role maybe do the job with more up-to-date techniques?

The HR department while feeling good about the boomerang employee also needs to have a plan for development of that employee for the next 3 to 5 years. There needs to be a motivational aspect to welcoming the employee back.

That motivation could be financial but also could be more personal as learning new skills or learning a different position within marketing, engineering or finance departments. When considering training we at Unique System Skills can customize training for Microsoft products, for IT coding skills and for managerial positions. If you are interested in exploring how we can help call us at (844) 887-9239 or connect online www.systemskills.com.