Automation Testing with Python

Home Automation Testing with Python

Automation Testing with Python

Live Online | Instructor-Led | Hands-on Training

The course will help you master automation testing with the Pytest framework. Python is used to develop test codes using Pytest’s testing framework. Any environment can be tested using the code, including databases, APIs, and even graphical user interfaces.

Beginning with the basics of Python syntax, students will move on to more advanced topics such as dictionaries, custom functions, and sorting algorithms.

  • Learn Core Concepts: The course is intended for Python developers who plan to write Selenium Web Driver scripts in Python. Developers who will be writing Selenium Web Driver code will also find it helpful for getting a sense of its architecture, functionality, and capabilities.
  • Learn From Experts: The instructors have been carefully selected based on their educational background, relevant work experience, and teaching abilities. We have highly qualified trainers with at least ten to twelve years of teaching experience in the industry. Students with good feedback are also kept on our faculty.
  • Prepare for Your New Career: You will gain valuable skills in data science through this certificate program. Develop your portfolio by completing real-world projects, while receiving support from your one-on-one mentor to help you with your job search, resume, and career development.

Flexible scheduling | Weekdays | Weekends

Tuition: $2,340.00 | Duration: 3 weeks | 60 hours

Full tuition is due at the time of enrollment

  • Everything you need to know about automated software testing with Python (and how to enjoy testing, too!)
  • Write automated tests correctly and avoid common pitfalls
  • Writing complete system tests with Python and tools such as Postman
  • Automate your application testing with Travis CI
  • Create test suites using Python, PyTest, WebDriver

Python 20 hours

  • Introduction to Python
  • Basic Python Syntax
  • Language Components – Indenting Requirements.
  • Collections- Lists. Tuples. Sets. Dictionaries. Sorting Dictionaries. Copying Collections.
  • Modules – Introduction to Modules. Standard Modules – sys. Math. Time. dir Function
  • Exceptions – Errors. Run Time Errors. The Exception Model. Exception Hierarchy. Handling Multiple Exceptions – raise, assert. Writing Your Own Exception Classes.
  • Input and Output – Data Streams.
  • Simple Character Matches- Special Characters. Character Classes. Quantifiers. The Dot Character. Greedy Matches. Grouping. Matching at Beginning or End. Match Objects. Substituting. Splitting a String. Compiling Regular Expressions. Flags
  • Comprehensions
  • Iterators and generators, constructor

Automation Testing 40 hours

  • What is Automation testing?
  • Maven Introduction, Maven Installation, Maven Repository
  • Selenium Introduction and components – Selenium IDE, RC, Web driver, Grid, Limitations of Selenium.
  • Selenium Locators.
  • Introduction to Xpath, Css Selector, Find element methods in selenium
  • Work with various Web elements.
  • Mostly used Selenium methods.
  • JavaScript in Selenium, Iframe in Selenium.
  • Keyboard and mouse handling, Alert handling in Selenium, Exception handling.
  • Implicit Wait & Explicit Wait in Selenium, Data driven testing using Apache POI. POM.
  • TestNg Introduction, Advantage of testNg , testNG Annotations.
  • TestNG Assertions, TestNG dependency and groups, Run test cases by xml file.
  • TestNg Listeners, TestNg Data provider and parameter.
  • TestNg Parallel Execution, Log4J Logger.
  • Capture application Screenshot for test report. Cookie handling.
  • Headless browser testing. Verify tooltips
  • Introduction to Selenium, BDD-BEHAVE ,POM with Python

Quality Automation Engineer, QA Test Automation Engineer, Software Quality Analyst, Functional Tester, SDET, Automation Tester, System Analyst

Automation Testing with Java, Core Java

Is this course of interest to anyone?

This course may be an interest to:

  1. Anyone who wants to learn how to automate tests
  2. Anyone who is interested in becoming an SDET using Python

How do I qualify?

To enroll in this Automation Testing with Python Bootcamp, you must have a High School or GED equivalent. Knowledge of basic computer functions and applications is required.

Toll Free: 1-844-887-9239

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